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Upcoming Meeting Schedule:

Monday, April 29, 2024

Time: 4:00 - 7:30 pm

Event: Neighborhood Feedback Event

Location: Rochambeau Library

Agenda: Open house style event to review draft of the City Comprehensive Plan - Discuss with planning staff and neighbors; share feedback

Please note that this meeting, hosted by the City Planning Commission, is not solely focused on the 103 Evergreen Development.

However, it is crucial for Mount Hope community members to attend and engage in discussion regarding changes to the City's Comprehensive Plan, which is undergoing revisions this year.

These changes could impact zoning flexibility, potentially making it easier for developers. It's imperative to ensure that any modifications to the plan prioritize the community's interests and address concerns about displacement.

Mount Hope is a residential neighborhood located in northeast Providence, Rhode Island. It is part of the six East Side neighborhoods of Providence and is bordered by Rochambeau Avenue to the north, Hope Street to the east, Olney Street to the south, and Route 95 and the Amtrak line to the west. Camp Street serves as a central marker within the neighborhood.


The Mount Hope community has a rich history, but has faced numerous challenges; most prominently, the significant displacement and marginalization of community members, particularly during the Lippitt Hill Redevelopment Project from the 1950s to the 1970s. This project led to the demolition of low-income housing displacing many residents, specifically African-Americans.


Presently, the Mount Hope neighborhood faces another threat of displacement and gentrification due to newly proposed development initiatives. Developers are seeking to utilize R4 zoning regulations to construct a 45-58 unit apartment building on a lot designated R3 at the intersection of Evergreen Street and Camp Street (103 Evergreen). This proposed rezoning would permit multi-unit dwellings, potentially compromising the character of the community. 

The initial proposal involves obtaining approval to rezone from R-3 to R-4 zoning, which raises concerns about the vagueness of R4 guidelines and the impact on the neighborhood.


It is essential for the community and policy makers to objectively assess the potential impact(s) of this development project within the context of existing zoning regulations and community interests. Collaborative efforts and community engagement are crucial in addressing these challenges, and preserving  the vitality and sustainability of Mount Hope.


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